
Wednesday 2 November 2016

How To Detoxicate The Body

How are you doing. Today, we need to quickly look at one factor that is already defeating us in our fight for dominance here. As a species, we`re on a fast track to extinction. In the past few decades, men have lost 50% of their sperm count and within only one generation, the average man's sperm count and testosterone have dropped by 20%. Women are no better. Staggering figures show that most women today are suffering from female disorders and three out of ten women between the ages of 35 to 60 will develop breast cancer. Why? Estrogen dominance is one factor. Oestrogen dominance occurs when oestrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This is mostly caused by too much oestrogen and not enough progesterone. This imbalance can be aggravated by the massive amounts of xenobiotics in the environment as well as other factors. Xenobiotics are created primarily from industrial chemicals, animal growth hormones, plastic products that have entered our food chain, pesticides and herbicide application. These Xenobiotics are causing havoc with women’s and men’s balance of oestrogen and progesterone and have been linked to infertility. A healthy digestive system can play a significant role in helping to remove excess estrogen from the body after it has been broken down by the liver. This is one of the major benefit of Detoxification otherwise known as our fertility cleanser Our fertility cleanser and fertility booster supplementation program helps the liver to remove excess estrogen while also providing a conducive gut environment for the elimination of the broken down estrogen. Since its obvious that our modern way of life will constantly expose us to more xenobiotics which will eventually lead to more Estrogen dominance, the best way out especially for women intending to get pregnant is to follow a detox and preconception supplementation program just as offered by us. To learn about our Natural Fertility Boot-Detox Program Click Here: Natural Solution To Infertility To order for any of this product combination, Call, Text, Chat: 08132808685 Enjoy Your Day Daramola Tolulope Call, Text, Chat: 08132808685

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