
Friday 4 November 2016

Hello Fam
Trust you’re had a nice day
I think this piece of information will be helpful to you.
Statistics has shown that between 20 to 50 percent of
women of reproductive age have fibroids.
Some estimates state that up to 20 to 80 percent of women
will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing
 and about one third of these women will experience
severe pain and abnormal bleeding. The typical menstrual
cycle lasts for three to seven days, it starts off heavy, and
gets lighter.
Fibroids, however, can make your periods excessively
heavy and longer.
Signs that a fibroid or fibroids may be affecting your flow
include bleeding for more than eight days with more than
two to three days of heavy bleeding at the outset of your
period, and having many blood clots in your flow, hence
causing excruciating pains during menstrual period.
Our all Natural Fibroids Remover kit will help you get rid
of your fibroids permanently in no time and prevent its
recurrent growth.

Product Coverage
Disease of The Liver. Heart Burn/Attack, Cold/Flu/Cattarh/Cough, Hemorrhoids, Tonsilitis, Mumps, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Insomnia, Memory Loss, Sinusitis. Muscular & Back Pains, Wounds/Open Ulcers, Stroke, Urinary Tract Infection, Acne, Body Oduor, Kidney Problem, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Diabetes, Low Sugar Level, Asthma, Arthritis, Ulcer, Energy/Stamina, Menstrual Problems, Infertility, Menopause, Fibroid, Migrain, Loss Of Hair/Baldness, Low Libido, Weight Loss, Healthy Hair

Have a wonderful Night Rest.

Daramola Tolulope
[Health Educator & Researcher]
Call,Text,Chat: 08132808685

Wednesday 2 November 2016

How To Detoxicate The Body

How are you doing. Today, we need to quickly look at one factor that is already defeating us in our fight for dominance here. As a species, we`re on a fast track to extinction. In the past few decades, men have lost 50% of their sperm count and within only one generation, the average man's sperm count and testosterone have dropped by 20%. Women are no better. Staggering figures show that most women today are suffering from female disorders and three out of ten women between the ages of 35 to 60 will develop breast cancer. Why? Estrogen dominance is one factor. Oestrogen dominance occurs when oestrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This is mostly caused by too much oestrogen and not enough progesterone. This imbalance can be aggravated by the massive amounts of xenobiotics in the environment as well as other factors. Xenobiotics are created primarily from industrial chemicals, animal growth hormones, plastic products that have entered our food chain, pesticides and herbicide application. These Xenobiotics are causing havoc with women’s and men’s balance of oestrogen and progesterone and have been linked to infertility. A healthy digestive system can play a significant role in helping to remove excess estrogen from the body after it has been broken down by the liver. This is one of the major benefit of Detoxification otherwise known as our fertility cleanser Our fertility cleanser and fertility booster supplementation program helps the liver to remove excess estrogen while also providing a conducive gut environment for the elimination of the broken down estrogen. Since its obvious that our modern way of life will constantly expose us to more xenobiotics which will eventually lead to more Estrogen dominance, the best way out especially for women intending to get pregnant is to follow a detox and preconception supplementation program just as offered by us. To learn about our Natural Fertility Boot-Detox Program Click Here: Natural Solution To Infertility To order for any of this product combination, Call, Text, Chat: 08132808685 Enjoy Your Day Daramola Tolulope Call, Text, Chat: 08132808685

Fibriod Update

Trust you're doing fine!
 There exist a relationship between Fibroids and weight gain.
 Struggling with weight is something that most people deal
with and all you have to do is look at the increasing number of
people with type 2 diabetes to know that carrying around excess
weight can harm you by increasing your risk of developing various
 diseases and conditions including Fibroids. While there are many
factors that increase the risk of developing Fibroids that cannot be
changed such as family history, race (Africans in particular), etc,
 there is one that can be changed and that is weight because it
directly impacts hormone levels. Weight gain and becoming
 overweight not only increases your risk of developing various
 diseases and conditions but it also increases your risk of developing
Fibroids. Being overweight leads to an accumulation of fat cells
which causes the excessive production of estrogen which is then
deposited into the bloodstream and leads to a state of hormone
imbalance. An important way to not only prevent Fibroids but also
 to shrink Fibroids naturally is to maintain and keep your weight at
an ideal level for you as it will discourage a state of estrogen dominance.
 Get control of your weight as it will not only help you to eliminate
Fibroids naturally but also many other health issues that you may be
 dealing with due to excess fat. I do hope you find the write up helpful.
 I am here to help. FIBROFIT is still selling. It has restored sound health
 to many people. Don't delay again in ordering yours. FIBROFIT is a
 pack of Natural Health Supplements that helps to Permanently get rid
 of Fibroids, its pains and all other related complications in no time. Fibrofit
 is completely natural with no negative side effects.
 For your order
Call,Text,Chat 08132808685 or
 Visit; Have a wonderful day
  Daramola Tolulope
[Health Educator & Researcher] Call,Text,Chat: 08132808685